Saturday 19 January 2013

Twin earth Venus + Images of Venus

                                  The average distance from the sun      108,200,000 miles

                                   Diameter of the planet        12.106 km

                                  Astronomical period of rotation about the same        243 day

Twin earth as it was called upon ancient Both have the same size, mass, density and both are at the same time and Nebula one, but this twinning has ended when he was studying the planet up close, scientists have discovered that Venus differs completely from the earth, there is no oceans on the planet and is surrounded by sheath Joy heavy component of carbon dioxide for the most part and there is no trace of water withdrawn and Omtarh of sulfuric acid and the surface atmospheric pressure equivalent to 92 times the pressure of Earth's atmosphere at sea level.

Scorching heat on the surface of up to 482 degrees Celsius, the heat created by the density of its atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide, which causes the phenomenon of greenhouses, pass sunlight through its atmosphere thick and increase the heat surface is not allowed to go out into outer space this makes Venus hotter than Mercury is the closest to the sun.

Studies indicate that the Venus atmosphere by a few billion years was very similar to what it is the earth's atmosphere today, and maybe there were large amounts of liquid water on the surface, but the water has evaporated as a result of the impact of global warming.

Day on Venus equals 243 Earth days, the biggest of the year of $ 225 on my land, and the planet spins from east to west the sun seems to inhabitants of Venus rises from the west and sets in the east.

Has Venus envelope air is very thick and dense, and consists Cover mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, nitrogen, and because of this it was difficult to watch the surface endoscopic optical, and until recently, scientists could not study geography planet's surface density withdrawn that obscure vision telescopes astronomical regular, but with a twist radio telescope possible vision through these clouds, and there were trips successful to the planet, including Pioneer in 1978 and a trip Magellan in 1990 and 1994 which trips an American, and the journey Russian Venera 15.16 in 1983 and 1984 have provided those trips scientists pictures sufficient to study the planet and its surface.Geography of the planet's surface  

The surface of Venus is relatively recent in terms of geography, it is clear by scientists that studies the surface reconstituted from 300 to 500 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity, making scientists puzzled!! How and why this happened, the topography of the planet consists of broad plains covered with lava, mountains and highlands formed by geological activity.Fill drilling numerous and scattered the planet's surface, small drill is less than 2 km and is located by the atmosphere heavy, but the exception is the occurrence due to the fall of large meteoroids broke before impact its surface composed combines drilling, covering volcanoes and impact the planet's surface, at least 85% of its surface is composed of lava which pumps volcanic lava awesome stretch hundreds of kilometers and spread to the lowlands to be grassland. More than one hundred thousand small volcano in addition to hundreds of huge volcanoes graduated lava to the surface of the planet, this flood of lava streams form or many complex corridors stretching for hundreds of kilometers, and no one of them extends for about 7,000 miles across the planet.

Max Montes high in the Ishtar is the highest peak on Venus, The area of ​​Aphrodite is the highest region extending about half the planet's equator. Photos taken by the Magellan trip to the high ground show that about 2.5 kilometers unusual sheen, and distinctive soil moist, and in any case there is no liquid water on the planet's surface or they gathered in that land. The proposal theoretical This is a gathering of metallic components, studies have shown that these substances can be from iron components, these components do not settle on the plains and perhaps settled on the highlands, it is possible to be mineral substances other strange give the same results, but with a focus less

.Great volcanoesThere are volcanoes of all sizes on Venus, of the thousands of small craters scattered in the plains to the large nozzles mountains.

Picture shows a huge volcanoes and named Sabs Mons Sapas Mons height of four kilometers, and is surrounded by a huge influx of lava, and notes in Vohtan image Brkanetan in the top of the mountain. And massive landslides on both sides of the mountain.There are carved channels emotion flow, lava flow and are very similar to the channels found on the surface of Earth's moon. The arrows indicate the picture to one of those channels, which may extend to more than 5,000 kilometers, making it one of the longest canals in the planets of the solar system. The reason formed when lava flowed liquid and very hot exploded on the surface of the planet.

A picture of the planet's surface taken by the Russian craft Venera 9, the first spacecraft landing on the surface of the planet in 1975

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