Solar system

The Greeks called the sun helios. Romans were firing sol. The beginning of the formation of the solar system solar system 4.6 billion years ago a cloud rotary gas. However time refrigerate the cloud and gathered together to be large objects composed primary planets and keep materials created by comets and space objects that wander in silence between the solar system. And by chance after 100 million years Preheat gas ball strongly amid the cloud and exploded a nuclear explosion severely Ttoldachamms star like any star his biography of the end of death.

The sun is a star of billions of billions of stars in the universe. Each discovering your body of chemicals as of calcium in your bones until zinc in your hair had been formed in the hearts of the stars raging for 12 billion years. The light cut billions of years to hear from the stars of the land. And to give us an indication of the size of the star and weight and its chemical components and through this old stellar incoming light. The ancients observed the movements of the planets, which were seen from above the Earth at night. These planets other than the sun and other stars to Aionnbos light directly because it shines where reflect Kalmraya sunlight. And sun is a star in the center of the solar system revolves around each of the planets. The surface of this incandescent fireball has always temperature of 5500 degrees Celsius and heart temperature reaches 15.6 million degrees Celsius. Sun and large size larger than the size of the Earth to the point that can accommodate more than one million land inside. They revolve around itself detects round rotation about a central axis as it happens in the planets around it. But this rotation is not as easy or aerodynamic earth revolves around itself. And sunspot activity is located above the sun when they intersect Ghazadtha together during the rotation with them. The sun spins no rotation aerodynamically Earth   Because the sun is not a solid mass. This gas poles   revolve at different speeds for gases around the equator. Making them deviate magnetic fields, and this causes a magnetic deviations appear dark sun spots over the surface of the sun. This complexity in the strong magnetic field degree make it shrinks and makes the north and south poles exchange their places. This process is repeated continuously. And called the solar cycle Solar cycle. The full cycle takes 22 years. And travel to the sun impossible, whatever the severity of carrying vehicles to high temperature. And the inability to access not only because of the intense heat, but solar wind around so severe that change the course of any vehicle approaching from the sun to the severity of this wind. Sun and the severity of attractiveness made the planets are in place around the center of the sun. It consists of the solar system from the sun only star in our solar system revolves around 9 planets revolves around more than 100 satellite and the number of countless of his small objects Kalkwybat and comets. There are all in the middle between the planets which we call transcended space consisting of the solar system. The solar system is divided into two parts: 1 - internal section contains the sun and the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and SATELLITE and Mars. 2 - external section contains the outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In general ocean circulation these planets around the sun almost oval except Saturn and Pluto Vmhitahma almost circular. But all the oceans where planets revolve around the sun are all on one level. And called the ecliptic ecliptic. Except Pluto is slightly deviates from this plane. All of these planets revolve in one direction counterclockwise direction. There are comets asteroids which is about small rocky objects within the solar system revolve around the sun, especially between Mars and Jupiter and elsewhere around the sun itself. And asteroids (Thumbnail word planet) which is about icy bodies come from outside the solar system or graduated. The orbits very Toblh and scattered Boutrikhgar Organization and scattered inside. And some asteroids ends in failure so that can not be indistinguishable from comets. There Aloqmaraltabah of the planets orbiting the planet own as does Earth's moon. And the area around it spins in the level of rotation of the planets and different sizes. There are many moons larger than Pluto. Qumran and larger than the planet Mercury. There are satellites to hunt comets that occur craters and scars and pits. And because the land followed a single satellite and planet Pluto followed Sharon only. This intolerable Ali planetary Earth and Pluto planets


Ancient astronomers were busy perimeter space for thousands of years. They observed bright points of wandering among the stars in the sky, they planets at the car. And fired on them the names of Roman are:- Jupiter (Jupiter), which means the king of the gods. - Mars (Mars), which means the god of war. - Mercury (Mercury), which means in Romanian messenger of the gods. - Venus (Venus) and its meaning in Romanian god of love and beauty. - Saturn (Saturn) and meaning Abu Jupiter and god of agriculture. Astronomers have observed the ancient asteroids and meteors that have glowed a tail tumble. Arabs called it the star or tail.The ancients believed that the earth is the center of the universe. All stars, including the sun revolves around it. But Koprnic in the 16th century proved including Aida doubt that the Earth and planets in our solar system revolves in the oceans around the sun. Astronomers did not believe him until Newton came and put the laws of motion. Earth may seem to us it is a lovely place and great. While Jupiter heavier ones 317 times and Saturn and her senior weight 95 times. Despite the size of these planets we find the sun with only 99.98% of the mass of the solar system to the severity of their attractiveness. The sun grows from the earth about 109 times in size. After the invention of the telescope (the telescope) discovered three planets in the solar system. Uranus (1781) and Neptune (1864) and Pluto (1930). Also discovered thousands of small size Kalmznbat objects and asteroids.And called on the four planets around the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) terrestrial planets. Because rocks on the surface and these four rocky planets, called four terrestrial planets is relatively small it is made up of the same material on the ground. The four planets beyond Mars' orbit, a Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called gas giant planets because they are gaseous planets and there is no higher ground to stand on it. The planets also classified according to their natural properties. Planets four terrestrial Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars called Earth-like planets or inner planets because their orbits within the Earth's orbit around the sun. They are heavy and small and rocky crust and rigid in her heart Mushorat metal except Mercury gap Ghazi leaking from light elements to the lack of power of attraction. Unlike the giant planets gas which are located behind the Earth's orbit, called planets procuring Jovian planets. Entire Ahjammehoctladtha great but densities are few and considered buyer heavier planets combined.: Victlth heavier than the Earth 318 times and larger than size 1300 times, making density less equivalent quarter the density of the Earth. Saturn mass equivalent to 95 times the weight of the earth and its density less than the density of water, which is equivalent to 1 g / cm 3. Planets procuring gas giant faces thick and consists of hydrogen and its compounds and helium. These planets are made of gases and liquids, not water. And loops around and many moons. These rings composed of hydrogen and helium gases and ice water and ammonia, methane and carbon monoxide. And Blutungda planet there on the edge of the solar system. And considered by many to be guilty of a major and not a planet. Because its components like the components of the comet, which usually consists of ice and rock, but its orbit is quite different from the orbits of comets and the rest of the planets. Alcoa beyond Cobb nine Pluto is the youngest, but steel is covered with ice by the largest of the four terrestrial planets.They also terrestrial planets called planets bottom or inner planets because their orbits are located between the Earth and the Sun and the giant planets invading called planets Supreme because their orbits behind the Earth's orbit., Planets Alerillh four Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars resembles Earth in size and components of chemical and density. But the period of rotation around itself ranging. While we find Mars and Earth their respective Adorkel on the same full cycle every 24 hours, we find Venus revolves around the same in 249 days.The gas giant planets Kalmstrae, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune found larger than the terrestrial planets and a thick atmosphere and Ghazi. The lower density and a spin around itself ranging from 10 hours to the buyer and 15 hours of Neptune. This rapid rotation causes in bipolar Tfltah by 2% -10%, which makes the planet oval.And almost every planet and some of its satellites Joe perimeter. Vkkb land surrounding atmosphere consists mainly of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Venus faces a Aalahoktifah proportion of carbon dioxide and traces of poison gas, sulfur dioxide, making life difficult. While Mars atmosphere of carbon dioxide by a few. But planets Saturn, Oranc and Neptune high proportion of gaseous hydrogen and helium. When approaching Pluto of sun Atrkerk faces and when you move away from the orbit shrinks and freezes exhibits Kalmznb. If I visited a planet of nine planets will vary your age and your weight on it. Because each planet has its appeal and Sneineh and his days duration varies from one planet to another. It also differs in air pressure and the length of its orbit around the sun and gravity and temperature and Faces components and density.There are more than 100 satellite revolves around Kwakbhaalmokhtlfah in our solar They range in size between objects larger than our moon to small objects. Many of these satellites have discovered the planetary space vehicles and its image. And some have ocean atmosphere Kqmr Titan around Saturn. The other faces a magnetic fields Kqmr Jinmad around Jupiter. And is one of the most satellites volcanic activity in the solar system. And the moon's surface Europe around Jupiter Icy While moon Jinmad witnessed as it seems in the pictures movement in its surface ice sheets. Some planetary satellites is a family comets attractiveness of the same planet and considered moons belonging to the planets Kqmra Phobos and Deimos around Mars and moons around Jupiter and the moon fob around Saturn and Uranus moons new and Neptune's moon Nereid. .Since 1610 and until 1977 was thought that the planet Saturn is the planet Alouhbd which has rings around it. But now we know that the planets Jupiter and Uranus and Neptune ring system, although Saturn's largest ring these planets. The components of these episodes of their bodies vary in size from dust, rocks and ice pieces. Most planets have magnetic fields extending in space around each planet and these areas spin with the rotation of the planet itself to sweep with charged particles around it. The sun also has its magnetic space around which attracts all the solar inside.

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