Solar (Part II)

Oort Cloud
External borders
The vicinity of the solar system
Other solar systems

Oort Cloud
Oort Cloud is a virtual cloud believed to be the main source of comets in the solar system. Suggested German astronomer Jan Oort in 1950 and there is this huge circular cloud on the edge of the solar system, which later became known as ratio to as the "Oort cloud" rate him, was discovered Jean cloud studying the orbits of comets that come from the edge of the solar system.

Believes that these are the remnants of cloud initial planetary disk that are around the sun 4.6 billion years ago, where veered celestial orbits disk under the influence of the gravitational pull of planets even thrown into this region. The outer edge of the cloud - which is located just light-years and almost one out of the sun - the outer limits of the solar system, where the gravitational influence ends and the sun physicist interstellar medium around. Believed that the Oort cloud contains anywhere from 0.1 to two trillion ice body in orbit around the sun.From time to time, causing transit of a giant molecular cloud or a nearby star or interaction with dust throughout the Milky Way with a letter one of these objects even led to the inner solar system, and this turns into a so-called "guilty long session." These comets have orbits huge and abnormal too monitors usually only once by humans because of a spin very long. [] Thus, the cloud is the main source of comets in the solar system (although a few of them come from the belt Keiber), which are in fact composed of the same material as the comets.Although this did not directly monitor cloud never before now, the existence of an acceptable and widely in the scientific community. Because they are much farther from belt Keiber, they have never explored before. In fact, there is no chance for scientists to explore up close and establish themselves in the near future. Since it is not only a few years ago the launch vehicle to belt Keiber, it is not likely that one is released to the Oort Cloud many decades ago, at best.  

External borders

There are no clear teacher offers real limits of the solar system, although there are some things that can be used as references. In fact, both the light and the gravitational field issued from the sun does not depend whatever we stepped away from her, with much they weaken after   some distance by the extension of the impact (no matter how trivial) not final. So often used the solar wind and the bubble generated by the sun sign of the limits of the solar system, because the flow stops and become speed 0 when an area, and is considered to reduce solar limits of the solar system, depending on the solar wind. [] But on the other hand, the remotest parts of the solar system, which controls it sun Jzbaa to some extent is the Oort Cloud, which is also the edge of the solar system. After the cloud is no longer the physical effect of the sun or gravitational remarkable, [] sun and no longer able to control the celestial Bjazpetha, often get away with cloud comets of the attraction of the sun and starts floating in interstellar space across the middle to catch another star.Hungarian positioningPositioning of the solar system within our galaxy.Positioning of the solar system within our galaxy.The solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy a helical   galaxy has a diameter of about 100,000 light-years containing about 200 billion stars .. Positioned the solar in an external spiral arm called mighty arm. Sun is between 25,000 to 28,000 light-years from the galactic center, and a top speed within the galaxy to 220 kilometers per second, and thus completes one cycle in a period ranging between 225 to 250 million years ago. Know this session of the solar year Hungarian. Solar apogee is defined as the direction of the path of the sun among the stars, and is close to the constellation Gathe in the current direction of the star Vega. Tends standard path of the sun of the solar system from the level of the galaxy about 60 degrees. [F]Hungarian contributed positioning of the solar system on the existence and preservation of life on Earth. Vmadar group almost circular, and going almost the same speed of rotation of the spiral arm (arm-Jabbar). Which means it is rare to pass through it. As the arm does not contain significant risks such as Mstarat this gives great land a greater chance of survival and stability for a long time among the stars. Addition to the sun positioned outside the crowded area stars in the galactic center. If the sun was positioned near the area affected the attractiveness of the stars on the Oort cloud objects that would send many meteorites to the inner region of the solar system, causing collisions of meteorites with the planet with disastrous results. Can also radiation from the galactic center that affect life on Earth. Even in the current position of the sun, scientists assumed that the explosion of supernovae have an impact on life on Earth 35,000 years ago by throwing stellar nucleus toward the sun in the form of radioactive dust grains and large meteoroids. 

The vicinity of the solar system

Knows the current neighborhood of the solar within the galaxy Balsahabh between local asterisk, there is a dense cloud area unlike the region deployed in the neighborhood called the local bubble, a cavity resembles an hourglass in the interstellar medium is about 300 light-years away. Beat bubble high-temperature plasma to impose scientists that the heat generated as a result of many of the great supernova.There are a few stars are positioned even after up to 10 light-years from the sun. The nearest star is a three-star called Centaurs man who is 4.4 light-years from the sun and be a man Centaurs c a red dwarf is only 0.2 light-years away. The second closest star to the sun is a red dwarf star called Barnard is 5.9 light-years, followed by wolf 359 away 7.8 light-years, then Alanda 21185 and is 8.3 light-years away. Largest star within 10 light years is Sirius, a superstar of the basic layout is 8.6 light-years, followed by a binary star author from red Gazzmin Just 8.7 light-years away called Luyten 735-8 and then red dwarf Rose 154 Ii is 9.7 light-years away. [nearest star similar to the sun is Tao Cetus, which is 11.9 light years from us, equivalent mass of 80% of the mass of the sun, but only 60% of its brightness. [] The closest exoplanet known until now is a planet orbiting a star Upsilon river is the star baht and redder than the sun away from us about 10.5 light-years away. Has confirmed the existence of one planet called Upsilon river and with a mass 1.5 times the mass of Jupiter and orbits its star every 6.9 years. 

Other solar systems

Has many other stars around on clouds form of tablets, appear to be solar systems in a nascent stage. The filming one of these disks around Vega in 1983 is the first direct evidence of the existence of such materials on any star is the sun. [] In 1992, the latest discovery of the first planet outside the solar system in history a surprise to many astronomers, especially that he was about star Nbad, and in spite of this there have been many celestial candidate to be planets before the discovery of the planet. [] has proven discoveries then relay that the solar system is not unique lot, and that solar systems are common in the galaxy. But most of these planets were gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, and then it can contain life. This with some of them can also contain smaller planets like Earth and Mars. The main objective of this research is to find another life, so Vukalat sequence space launch projects in order to find a small rocky planets midwife for the existence of life. Are analyzed installation atmospheres of the planets to see if they contain water or oxygen, and more importantly, is the existence of the planet in the "region viable." [] In late September / September 2010, he discovered the first planet in history located in the region midwife of life (where moderate temperature and suitable for the emergence of life), which is also rocky planet similar to Earth and has the envelope air, and can also contain liquid water, was launched on the planet name Catalogue Gliza 581 Gee, this is the first planet discovered may contain another life . Today, after every mission, which was launched to discover planets, we know approximately a total of 500 planet outside the solar system, and there are still projects working to discover more like a telescope Kepler and others.

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