Red Planet ( Mars )

Mars, the fourth planet farthest from the sun and is called the red planet, red outstanding ancients observed since the beginning of history, and took its name from the Romans in honor of the god of war with them, and fired every civilization similar names, ancient Egyptians Vsmah planet Dsetcher means red one.

                         The average distance from the sun       227,940,000 miles    

                                                          Diameter       6,794 miles
                         Astronomical period of rotation about the same          687 Earth Day

Red Planet, where rocks and soil and sky have red or pink, and apparently Mars in this color because iron in the soil surface and the long-standing interacted with the quantity of very small available oxygen on Mars, making it rust, its surface a lot of ancient volcanoes and Wadi big huge and who is currently the length of the United States of America.Before space exploration, was Mars is the best candidate for harboring life is terrestrial life, I think Ancient astronomers that they saw straight lines passing through the surface, this led to popular belief as channels used for irrigation on the planet built by intelligent beings, and in 1938 when broadcast Orsen Wallace radio play based on the science fiction war many believed people tale Martian invasion and caused a real horror among them.Another reason scientists to predict the existence of life on Mars was due to seasonal changes color phenomenon on the surface of the planet, this phenomenon has led to speculation that those conditions may support change Martian plants during the warmer months and become inactive during the coldest periods.The Mars previously warmer and wetter than it is today if the water hidden beneath the surface Martian, he had sheltered forms of the simple life, although it is smaller and colder than Earth, it is still quite similar to our planet, has an atmosphere light and snow polarity, and bottoms  rivers dry pass through the planet's surface. And frozen water or in a liquid state may be present under the red Martian soil, and possibly traces of living organisms, but not the planet, as described in science fiction books and movies, there are no signs of the civilizations on its surface, whether in the past or present.In July 1965, vehicle Mariner 4 sent 22 photos close to Mars, and all that was revealed a surface contains many holes and found channels normal, but no evidence of channels prosthesis or water flow, and in July and September 1976, was able to compound Viking 1 and Viking 2 landing Mars, and discovered activity chemist unexpected and vaguely in the Martian soil, but without clear evidence of the presence of organisms are microscopic in soil near the landing sites, according to studies biological weapons for this mission, scientists believed that Mars is the process of sterilization self where carried out by ultra violet coming from the sun that satisfy the surface where the casing planet air slave does not prevent solar radiation harmful, severe drought of the soil and the nature of oxidized prevented constitute organisms in the Martian soil, but Multi search for life on Mars, even in the remnants of the distant past still open, and I have managed my trip Vikings from the analysis accurate and conclusive about atmospheric composition on Mars and found traces of elements that were previously unexplored.In August 1996, scientists announced the discovery of signs of life microscopic old potential meteorite came from Mars, meteor Scurry into space when a huge rock Mars, landed meteor eventually in Antarctica, the impact of elements within the meteorite prove that came from Mars, evidence in the Rock provides evidence that microscopic organisms smaller thousand times from human hair may have lived on Mars before 3.6 billion years ago, when the planet was more warmed and wetter him about today, that the evidence in dispute by many scientists, and additional tests are under way to try to confirm or refute the report .During the next few years, will send a spacecraft to collect samples of Martian rock and soil and return them to the ground and will choose the landing site on Mars that could be sheltered life in the past

Martian atmosphere

Mars is similar to Earth's than any other planet in our solar system, but it's still very different, that the Martian atmosphere is quite different than in the Earth, composed mainly of carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases, and the most common ingredients in the atmosphere are:


Carbon dioxide

02.70% nitrogen
01.60% argon
00.13% oxygen
00.03% water
00.00025% Neon

Air on Mars contains only about 1000/1 the same amount of water, such as our air, but even this small amount can condense and form clouds in the upper levels of the atmosphere or wrapped around the slopes of towering volcanoes, and in the valleys can form fog in the early hours of the morning. In the Viking 2 landing site covered by a thin layer of water frost ground each winter.There is evidence that in the past was the Martian atmosphere thick It is probable that had the atmosphere like Earth and possibly allowed the water to flow on the planet, but became almost certain now that the water covered part of the surface of Mars in the form of rivers, lakes and possibly seas small Valcecchelat natural-like beaches and riverbeds and bottoms and islands all this supports the notion that great rivers found on the planet by Although there is no water flowing on Mars today, and covers the north poles and south snow often is carbon dioxide frozen, the Arctic contains water Frosted much more than the South Pole.The planet's surface where a lot of ancient volcanoes and Wadi large width along the United States, the volcano largest surface called Olympus, and maybe this volcano is the largest in the solar system, height 27 kilometers above the desert land surrounding it, base Olympus covers an area such as an area Missouri U.S..

Temperature and pressure

Medium temperature recorded on Mars -63 ° C with a maximum temperature of 20 ° C and a minimum of -140 ° C.

Barometric pressure varies at each landing site on a semi-annual basis. Carbon dioxide, which is the main component of the atmosphere, freezes to form a polar cap, alternately at each pole, a great cover of snow and then evaporates again with the coming of spring in each hemisphere Martian. When Antarctica was more, I noticed Viking 1 that the average daily pressure was low and within 6.8 millibar At other times of the year, rising to 9.0 millibar. Atmospheric pressure at the Viking 2 site was between 7.3 and 10.8 millibar, and compared the average atmospheric pressure on the ground of 1000 millibar.

 Facts about Mars

  Mass equal to 0.107 of the land mass
  Along the 24.6 hour day ground
  Surface gravity of the Earth's gravity 0.377. If you weigh 80 kg is about 30 kilometers on Mars
  Mars Qumran are Phobos and Deimos. To an increase in information about the moons of Mars

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