Sunday 20 January 2013

Giant Jupiter ـ Fifth planets farther from the sun

The average distance from the sun  778,330,000 miles
Diameter of the planet   142.984 km
The planet's rotation period around the same    9.93 hour ground
Period the planet's rotation around the sun    11.85 Earth years

Jupiter gas giant is the fifth planet farthest from the sun, and the largest planet in the solar, but a mass that is greater than all the planets and moons in the group, and the king of the planets is labeled appropriately to the buyer, not only because it is the most dynamic of its atmosphere but also because more giant clouds and storms attractive make it appear the prestige of ownership for the rest of the other giant planets, and the buyer has not changed much since its early development outside the solar nebula, and in fact may still be in the process of formation.

Also, the buyer rings like Saturn but very mild episodes of about 30 kilometers thick composed of dust and small stones.The buyer's atmosphereLooks like the cover of the planet of the sun's atmosphere is composed in large proportions of hydrogen and helium gas, ammonia and methane and thick clouds of dense gases.The exciting emergence of the buyer acquired from the combination of the faces that contain complex molecules such as ammonia and methane in addition to simple molecules such as helium, hydrogen, sulfur, also includes installation exotic particles also like Algirmin elementJoe Buyer is a narrow surface layer only in comparison with the internal layers, three layers of clouds of Joe Buyer reproduced at different levels of layer Aturabosevir, while clouds and smog can be found the top of the atmosphere.



The planet's surface and internal structureThere is no surface of the giant planets, only a gradual change in the atmosphere.The surface of the planet is the layer thickness 150 km which is about clouds cool consisting of ammonia and hydrogen cold water then comes a layer of Alheidrojn liquid is deeply 10.000 kilometers after that comes a layer thickness of 10.000 km of hydrogen metallic liquid be under pressure very high temperature shatter then hydrogen atoms and free electrons, and is followed by a layer of ammonia, methane, water Almottagld under tremendous pressure is twice the pressure class earlier, and finally rock icy a pulp and estimated ten times the mass of Earth. giant planets invasive not possess the same composition layers terrestrial planets, has been their development is completely for terrestrial planets , and solid material Tugod lower rates.Installation buyer procedure consists mainly of simple molecules such as hydrogen, helium and Almujdh are liquid under high pressure conditions.The gases produced by the buyer often made of the change in the fluid within the buyer, but very gradual change, so the gas giant planets do not have solid layers like the terrestrial planets.Forums buyer's liquid form to a large extent the greater part of the planet, and penetrates deep into the planet, the first liquid layer inside the buyer, following the atmosphere is a layer of liquid hydrogen, metal beneath a layer of hydrogen liquid state.Layer liquid first inside buyer after atmospheric layer is hydrogen, liquid atmospheric component of hydrogen becomes denser Voktv such as dense fog, then more and more to be drops of dew even changed hydrogen entirely gaseous form to the liquid state, this change occurs during the 1000 Iklmtertgariba below Cloud layer first.When hydrogen becomes a liquid behaves like working on the formation of Ocean currents to carry heat from the inside to the outside of the planet.Under hydrogen layer there is a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen liquid, these currents and movements of class complex, and the fact that this metal layer shall be able to generate electricity.Moves within the buyerMoves in the inner layers of the planet help carry heat from the inside to the outside, and contributes in a very special way in the development of the strong magnetosphere to the buyer, and the heat generated inside the buyer contributes in Agheiraadah moves to the atmosphere.Graphic shows the type movement of moves in the air as in the inside planet, rising Article of the place warmer in the movements of active circular such as boiling water, layered liquid warm enough to move this way, some scientists believe that the temperature inside the buyer cause different types of the magnetosphere to the buyer that result from movements in the liquid metallic hydrogen layer inside Jupiter.Another reason scientists to predict the existence of life on Mars was due to seasonal changes color phenomenon on the surface of the planet, this phenomenon has led to speculation that those conditions may support change Martian plants during the warmer months and become inactive during the coldest periods.Buyer's magnetosphereWay unusual from which field Buyer magnetic affect the shape of the different parts of casing buyer magnetic, the buyer's magnetic field is unique is the largest magnetic field in the solar system and extends to several million kilometers, enough to keep the moons of $ 63 satellites and if we see the magnetic field of the buyer to the the size of the moon when it is full.The movement of the particles in the magnetosphere both similar and different from those molecules in the Earth's magnetic because layer plasma giant Jupiter, and the intervention of molecules field plasma from the air as well as tail-born magnetic, leaving particles field plasma when fall along the field lines magnetic north poles and south , and then collide with the atmosphere and be Twilight.

The buyer has the cloud spread within the magnetosphere. Shines buyer twilight very beautiful, and the buyer also radio waves and other waves called Whistle waves.The source of the magnetosphere is the magnetic field inside the buyer himself, unlike Earth, Jupiter's magnetic field has a strong component, this component affects the shape and installation of Jupiter's magnetic field
Red spot in Jupiter

Navigation from the atmosphere to the internal layers of the planet

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