Eight planets that follow the sun

Follow the sun eight planets known and spin around, creating what is called as the solar system, these planets ensue in orbits around the sun from the inside out as follows: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and is divided into two parts: -
Inner planets
It is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Exoplanets a Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.Are also classified according to the nature of the planets into two parts: -

Rocky planets
 It is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
Gaseous planets a Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

According to the decision of the International Astronomical Union recently that the planets and other objects in our solar system are classified into three categories:Planet is a celestial body has an orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass to form attractive self-imposed static balance of the body and almost spherical in shape, with a clear round.Dwarf planet is a celestial body has an orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass to form attractive self-imposed balance static (happens when balanced with gravity pressure in the opposite direction, for example, force include pressure prevents the atmosphere from collapsing into a single layer thick as to prevent the force of gravity of scattering atmosphere to outer space) and almost spherical in shape, and orbit may interfere with the orbits of other objects, and not belonging to the planet.All other objects, except satellites orbiting the sun and referred to collectively as small asteroids.

Under this definition, there are eight official planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The Ceres, Pluto, and the IRS, they now classified dwarf planets. And a large number of additional bodies may fall within this category in the near future.And each planet follows a group of disciples or planetary satellites except Mercury and Venus They have no aftershocks. In addition to the planets and moons, the inside group huge numbers of asteroids and comets, there is a belt of objects relatively small revolves around the sun outside the orbit of Mars, dubbed the asteroid belt, which has a diameter of the largest 920 km and the smallest in size dust particles varied theories in the way of their formation Some say it was Old and exploded planet and some of them say it is a relic of the group.
This addition to the Oort Cloud is a cloud spherical enormous surround the solar system, located at the edge of the solar system and extends for a distance of three years, illuminated, and is located about 30 trillion miles from the sun, the cloud is the source of most of the comets that cross billions of kilometers, these objects associated with attractive weak sun , along with comets visiting with the group and graduated not duplicate or to visit the area had exceed thousands of years.As well as Ring Keiber a is a region consisting of icy objects and rocks, and extends from when the planet Neptune to approximately 20 astronomical units. Which is similar to the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter, and consists belt Keiber mainly of small objects or the remnants of the early stages of the solar system, and is composed of chemical compounds frozen, such as methane, ammonia and water, and contains this belt on three dwarf planets at least are: Pluto and Haumia and Makemake. Astronomers expect the presence of more than one hundred thousand offense each of them has a diameter greater than 50 km within this belt as well as billions of comets orbiting there. The scientists also expect that the celestial belt composed of water ice, rock and some complex organic materials, and color ranging from gray, red and dark surfaces fully reflect the range of between 3% and 25% of the amount of light falling on them. The temperature reaches to - 220 ° C does not exceed zero

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