Beginning of astronomy at the ancient Egyptians

In Masralkadima and Mesopotamia knowledge had codified the need for the process. Astronomical monitoring is led to the emergence of the calendar to organize the planting and harvesting seasons. The feature of Greek civilization speculative philosophy and metaphysics (Matafsiqia).In Masralkadima and Mesopotamia knowledge had codified the need for the process. Astronomical monitoring is led to the emergence of the calendar to organize the planting and harvesting seasons. The feature of Greek civilization speculative philosophy and metaphysics (Matafsiqia).

 Greek philosopher Thales Thales and his followers said that the earth disk floats above the water and spin in a circle and Atdor around the sun, but revolve around a central fire ball.

 Greek philosopher Thales Thales and his followers said that the earth disk floats above the water and spin in a circle and Atdor around the sun, but revolve around a central fire ball.

 It is the center of the universe. He said after the Greek philosopher Pythagoras Pythagoras that the earth is spherical. But in Alexandria, the Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy put a map of the sky signed by the positions of the planets and the stars known at the time. And the development of the earth as the center of the universe. And generally did not make science in the Roman Empire. And escaped schools Aligrivh closed in 529 AD. Due to the spread of Christianity imposed by Rome on most of the countries of the ancient world affiliate in Egypt, Greece, Asia Minor and the Levant, and parts of southern Europe. Since 500 AD. For nine centuries until 1400. Showing Elhoudartan, Islamic and Chinese. These Elhoudartan were two Mtafrdtan civilizations and Western Mnazlten. The Chinese ancients excelled in astronomy. Is Frsdoa raging greatest (star explosion) Bsudaim Scorpio Year 1054. In China painted the oldest map of the stars in 940 AD. In the Islamic world spread Islamic civilization till it reached Spain Middle Ages. In astronomy, we find the Arabs had spotted the bright stars and placed them on the astrological charts and fired Arabic names, which is still used to this day as the stars Aldebaran and Tasr and Aldnep. In chemistry invented ways to make metals from minerals and tested quality and purity. And fired terms including the word alchemy and chemistry alkali alkali. And developed in physics and months, physicists Arab Ibn al-Haytham, an Egyptian publishing a book landscapes in optics and lenses, mirrors and other devices that are used in optics. And rejected the idea of ​​light emission from the eye, but acknowledged that the eye insight occurs when light rays from the external medium. This currently مانعرفه. Having translated the Arab heritage of European Lgat especially after the invention of printing Johannesburg. Aftbat copies of this heritage and spread Arabic sciences and can be obtained there easily. After the emergence of the plague (Black Death) in 1347. Delay scientific progress in Europe nearly two centuries until the year 1543.In his book (Almagest) and translated by the Arabs. As between Copernicus - well - that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. The Catholic Church banned his book from circulation for a period of two centuries but Kvrth despite health Tomb. But in the first decade of the 17th century proved Copernicus health, especially after the invention of the telescope used by Galileo to be the first person to see the moons orbiting Jupiter and the face of the moon and opinion charted in detail. As Venus dwindling opinion which revolves around the sun. He accused Galileo and Copernicus, who Sahha lot of astronomical concepts of heresy. This  Galileo back down on his ideas ..But it was the greatest achievements of science in the 17th century. When managed the English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton in 1665, develop theories about the nature of light and Gazbahalkonah that considered extending in all the universe. And all things strongly attracted to each known.Newton had between Horn 18 that nature (presence) governed Bakuanpn background makes us Nnahj scientific method. This the scientists Mahrr this century and make them approach the nature because discoveries freed from Assar religious authority, ideas and wisdom of ancient writings, which were not subject to testing. This trend rational and scientific Enter science in the age of causality (causes) Age of Reason or had Maigal Enlightenment Age of Enlightenment, where scholars of the 18th century dish strongly mental thought and conscious observation and experiments to solve the various issues. In Earth Sciences find of the 19th century has witnessed great development with an estimated age of the Earth from 100,000 years and hundreds of millions of years. In Astronomy with the tremendous development in optical devices, important discoveries have been made. In 1801 observed comets orbit of the planet Uranus abnormal. She was expected to French astronomer Jean Joseph Evrier Jean Joseph Leverrier that a neighboring planet to affect the orbit of Uranus. Delegation use mathematical calculations. He has the German astronomer Joham world toured Johann Galle in 1846 with the help of the world to Evrier discovery of the planet Neptune. The Irish astronomer William Parsons William Parsons first saw the form of spiral galaxies beyond our solar system, through the giant telescope reflector (at the time) in 1840In the year 1900 reached the German physicist Max Planck Max Planck quantum theory quantum theory, which shows how that Don atomic particles are atoms and how the atoms interact together to form chemical compounds. And after him came Albert Einstein Albert Einstein and announced my theory of general relativity. In 1934 reached Italian physicist - U.S. Enrico Fermi Enrico Fermi how Impinging neutron atoms of elements including uranium element. And without the intervention of any shipments Kahrobaúah. In these experiments, united neutrons with uranium nuclei. This latest nuclear Anctara resulting nuclear power is enormous. And scientists in physics knew that atoms consist of 12 primary particle Kalkuarkat quarks and leptons leptons. These fundamental particles combine together in different ways made up of various materials known to us. Developments in particle physics particle physics related to scientific progress in cosmology. Where between 1920 Americain physicist Edwin Hubble Edwin Hubble that the universe is expanding. Scientists now believe in the theory of the Big Bang Big Bang Theory since 10 -20 billion years generated universe of a big explosion. And end controversial until now. .Since the year 1950 fell discoveries and events space and satellites. Russia sent Sputnik, the first satellite in 1957 of space. In the same year was Russian Yuri Gagarin the first revolves around the Earth. In 1969 the first American man fell over the moon. America sent between 1960 and 1970 Mariner space probes to explore the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars. These probes have been successful in the boot to get to the rest of the solar planets group. America used the space shuttle. Telescopes discovered especially giant telescopes Vetogl through the depths of the universe. Qroa never seen humans before giant galaxies and billions of stars. And managed through advanced techniques send vehicles and space probes equipped with the latest Matousel of modern science. Arrived rights in the second half of the twentieth century to the moon and beyond the bondage circumterrestrial faces off in the space age for the first time in human history.

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