Atlantis off his recent trip to space

  U.S. Space shuttle "Atlantis", in a recent trip to the International Space Station Friday, curtain begins on space shuttles, which ran for about 30 years, with the shuttle's return to Earth, after the completion of its mission, which lasts 12 days.
The operation took place at all before 11:30 am on Friday morning a little, from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, amid attend a large rally, where thousands gathered, including a number of come to the same location three decades ago, to watch the first launch of the space shuttle, near the Shuttle launch site.Shortly before the deadline for the launch of the shuttle, which aired on CNN on the air, the imprisonment of millions breath, after countdown clock stopped by less than half a minute, but they returned to count again after he stopped for about a minute.Includes crew last mission of the shuttle "Atlantis", before being forwarded to retire, joining his counterparts "Discovery" and "Endeavour" which were transmitted to retire earlier, four astronauts, led by Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, in addition to leading Sandy Magnus, and Rex and Heim.And carrying the last flight of the program space shuttles America, No.

135, The Atlantis transfer parts and supplies to the International Space Station, to help stay in orbit around the Earth, as will transfer platform experiments to test tools and means to re-filling machine for satellites in space.After completion curtain on space shuttles Atlantis return to Earth, NASA resort temporarily to the Russian spacecraft to transport astronauts to the ISS.And revealed the U.S. space agency recently, the development of a spacecraft called it "a multipurpose crew vehicle," to send manned flights to deep space, and is likely to be launched first flight of this vehicle in 2016.Noteworthy that the International Space Station orbiting around the Earth at an altitude of about 435 kilometers, and began working at its inception in 1998, where they are sharing a joint space crews of both the United States and Russia, since 2000.The station is equipped capsule "Soyuz", a Russian spacecraft pillar, as a "lifeboat", can be resorted to station astronauts in case of any emergency.

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