Astronomy and astrology

Astronomy from the early science that emerged at the dawn of humanity, a science concerned with the control and study events that fall outside the hemisphere and its atmosphere and science to predict astronomical phenomena, studying astronomy beginnings of objects that can be Mracbadtha in the sky (outside the ground),
and their development and their characteristics physical, chemical, and its accompanying events. was taught by priests temples. And each of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians their Vllekem. We have found the above covers calendars pharaonic coffins back to 2000-1600 BC.. And found that the bishop of the New Kingdom tombs FD decorated with pictures of the stars, which were seen in the sky and called names. Also found in Mesopotamia formations pictures of stars. 

The Babylonians Atenban accurately Balkhsov and eclipse of the sun and the moon. The history of astronomy begins since the prehistoric era, where he was the first man has served his thinking repeated virtual movement of the sun and the moon and relay the night where it appears dark and show the stars and followed by a day to fade in the light. This was attributed to strong hacks for many gods. Valsomreon were Batkaddon that land plateau topped Planetarium. The over a high wall on the remote edges. They considered a huge land Pantheon inhabit the mountain altitude. The Babylonians believed that the oceans assigned earth and sky. And the earth hollow float above the waters and the position of the Kingdom of the dead. This idolized the sun and the moon and imagined ancient civilizations they reflect received the sky above vehicles enter from the bright sun gate and graduated from the sun gate. These concepts are built on the basis of which funerary temples Atghat. The ancient Egyptians believed that the earth rectangular long adorned the Nile River which flows from the greatest being around. Swim above the stars of the gods. The sky is based on the mountains of the four pillars of the universe. And hanging out of which these stars. This was the god Ra constantly moving around the Earth. Snake faces Abuba (a powerful symbol of darkness) even become behind the mountains to the west and flying the sky. There defeated Ra and fall. Meanwhile the dark. In the morning win Ra to these evil powers. And wake up from the east. While the moon god Horus walking his boat for cruising around the world. The moon was   one of his eyes. And   enemies to Fiqie this eye dumping in a Nile and succeed together in this task moon Fazlm. But the god Ra come to the rescue Eye of Horus (Moon) and return it to Horus. The Chinese were considered ground vehicle huge pillars columns flying umbrella (sky) and the country of China is located in the center of this vehicle being river heavenly (Yellow River) through wheels the cart and the Overlord the dominant destinies of heaven and earth sticking Thuban north while dragons prey on the sun and the moon. But in the second century BC.. Chinese astronomer mode (Hiahunj) theory football heaven where he said that the universe egg earth Cefarha and blue sky dome whiteness. The Chaldeans through monitored the movement of the sun and the positions of the stars in the sky and put their calendar. And were able to predict through cycles of the sun and moon Bhrkiehma what enabled them to a zodiac calendar where Ratoa Vie between man and Okdarh. And subjected to subject movements of stars to the will of the gods. This Toamoa between astrology and astronomy. Through zodiac calendar were able to predict sun Peixov and lunar eclipse. But they did not find her explanation. Their calendar was based mainly on the annual Lunar which did not correspond with the seasons. The ancient Egyptians since 3000 years BC.. Omcnhma monitoring and time control, astronomer and determined during the year and months. And built the pyramids the sides (faces) destined for the four points of origin. Through this we find them have identified true north. Astronomy Pharaonic not charged unlike Mesopotamia, especially the lunar cycle. And take care of the sun because she was symbolizing the god Ra

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